Our project in Tanzania: Seeds of hope for local communities
Our new project’s goal is to capture 2.4 million tons of CO2 over its lifetime. It also puts local communities at the heart of its work.
What do you think of when you hear Tanzania? The wildebeest migration in the Serengeti or Ngorongoro's volcanic landscape? Sparsely wooded hills or pristine rainforests? Or perhaps the Kilimanjaro National Park? It's hard to put into words how vast and diverse Tanzania's natural heritage is. The country is the largest in East Africa, has four climatic zones, and is home to a huge variety of ecosystems including mountains, wetlands, savannah, and marine habitats.
But there is a flip side to all that: Tanzania is under threat. The country has been facing a growing number of environmental crises in the last few decades. Deforestation and desertification have accelerated and expanded, with severe consequences not only for local biodiversity, but also for the health and livelihoods of farming communities. Can you imagine that only between 1990 and 2010, Tanzania lost almost 20% of its forests, with landscapes covered in towering trees turning into degraded grassland?
Luckily though, there is still hope: If us humans join forces to safeguard and restore these ecosystems, we have the power to reverse this natural crisis. Want to personally chip in? Then you're going to love what we're about to share with you.
Say 👋 to our Tanzania Reforestation Project

We’re thrilled to present our new tree planting partnership in the southern highlands of Tanzania. It transforms degraded grasslands into widespread forests, provides employment opportunities in poor rural areas, and promotes community development projects.
So far, the project has already planted 6.9 millions trees, and with the help of carbon offsetters like you, it plans to capture 2.4 million tons of CO2 over its lifetime. The reforestation of these territories protects the habitat of multiple animal and plant species and drastically reduces fire risk. Plus, 46% of this area is fully dedicated to conservation to preserve threatened and endangered tree species and educate locals on the importance of conservation efforts.
The amazing environmental impact created by this project naturally generates added social value for the local community, too: The Tanzania Reforestation Project supports more than 1,000 families spread over 4 villages, provides income for over 340 people, and supplies the wider region with sustainable building materials. It also involves traditionally marginalized people, such as youth and women, and promotes training and education to local workers.
Why we ❤️ this project
The Tanzania Reforestation Project puts local communities at the heart of their work. Not only does it provide jobs and stimulate the local economy, it also directly funds development and conservation work on the ground.

Here’s how: Part of the proceeds of every carbon credit sold goes straight to the community. Village council members meet and decide how to best use those funds. In the past, carbon offsets from people like you have helped build maternity wards, classrooms, wells, and teachers houses, bringing better access to healthcare and new opportunities to families across the area.
The combination of social and climate benefits is what makes this project so special — capturing carbon today, while regrowing forests and providing better livelihoods for families in the long-term. The great news? You can be part of all this today.
Want to offset your carbon footprint by planting trees and expanding opportunities in Tanzania? Simply download Klima from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and start making a difference today, at the touch of a button.